There is an interesting book called "The Science of Extraterrestrials" by Eric 
Julien. It goes with the temporal bubble idea.
There's a notion I have about weird phenomena that I avoided discussing because 
it is so difficult to articulate.  It concerns reductionism.  By its very 
nature, science is reductionistic.  Events have causes. And those causes have 
smaller causes.  Eventually, you hit bottom, at the quantum level, wherein all 
phenomena becomes arbitrary, "uncaused".  There is no further explanation or 
reductionism after that, other than statistical observation.
We commonly assume that this "it just is" (Astrophysicist Victor Mansfield) 
phenomena is limited to the murky quantum realm but is it really?  Emergence 
tells us that some complex things seem to be lacking a set of causes that lead 
directly to their full explanation.  
I read that Celera failed to manifest that a "blueprint" for a human exists 
within our genome. Instead they referred to "guideposts".  I tried to ask a 
Biology PhD about this and she became uncomfortable about it and quickly left.
I don't understand how the whole of medicine can rest on the assumption that 
simple diffusion can get extremely small doses of medicine to the proper 
receptors. Like DNA "telekinesis"?
In short,  it may send chills up the spines of many academics to say so but one 
day,  the bill for Promissary Materialism is going to come due for payment in 
full.  When that happens ghosts,  reincarnation, UFOs, poltergeists and heaven 
knows what else may look very different.  Perhaps they "just are".


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