-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Storms [mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com] 
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 1:58 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Cc: Edmund Storms
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

On Aug 1, 2009, at 11:32 AM, Jeff Fink wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edmund Storms [mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com]
> Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 12:00 PM
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Cc: Edmund Storms
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm
> But Jeff, artifacts do exist. They have been seen by people and
> described in detail. Granted, you are not allowed to see them, but is
> that required for you to believe?
> That would really help>
>  In addition, the abductees describe
> conditions in the space crafts and instruments used for examination
> that are in many cases identical even though this information is not
> generally known and the various abductees never talked to each other.
> Of course, it would be simple to plant coordinated visions in multiple
> people. It would be the most effective strategy they have to gain  
> believers.

Who is doing this planting of coordinated vision? Who wants us to  
believe in aliens? 

You and most people on this list are not going to like my answer to this.
Demons (evil spirits) and their hosts are intending to masquerade as
benevolent aliens in the near future.  The victims thus far are not the
hosts but pawns.

The government is doing everything it can to kill  
this belief.  >
> In addition, physical evidence in the form of changes in soil
> properties and indentations where the craft landed have been described
> in detail. Although the aliens are well ahead of us in science, we do
> not need to explain their existence by using excessive imagination, as
> I think you have done.
> As for the universe being empty of life except ours, this is simply
> not a rational possibility.  The earth is a late comer to the
> universe. We should expect life that formed on older planets than ours
> to be more advanced.
> Then why are we not being contacted by real aliens?

This is a strange circular question.  The UFO experience and the crop  
circles show that we are being contacted.  But you reject this  
evidence and you wonder why the evidence is not of a kind you would  

Crop circles!  Some alien is going to come all the way to earth to dazzle us
with crop circles!
The guys who started crop circles fessed up and showed the world how they
did it, the types of simple tools required, and then did demo circles before
the camera as proof.  It was amazing how fast they were able to produce
complex patterns.

  Frankly, if I were an alien visitor, I would not want the natives,  
especially the crazy ones, to be certain of my existence. I would try  
to keep the natives confused while I went about my business in plain  

> Jeff

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