Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Jed, I've asked this before. What second test proved what you show?

Are you referring to the Levi test that increased the flow rate? How would this show that Galantini was correct?

Yes, I meant the test with flowing water. This showed that the steam in the first test must have been dry.

It is conceivable that Galantini measured it wrong but he got lucky and it was dry anyway.

Or are you referring to the results of Kullander and Essen? Those results appear to contradict Galantini, though, to be sure, we don't have Galantini's results, so how can non-existent results be confirmed, or contradicted, for that matter.

I do not see how they contradict Galantini.

Jed, you are completely confused here. It looks like you are confusing confirmation of heat generation, in very rough numbers, with confirmation of steam quality. You are mixing public demonstrations with private evidence, as with the "second test," i.e., by Levi with high flow.

It wasn't exactly private. Or I guess I should say it wasn't supposed to be. Lewan and I got a report of it. We were hoping and expecting more. I might not have described it at LENR-CANR.org if I had known that no further details were forthcoming. The interview with Levi in Query today discusses it. I disagree with his assertion that a far more compelling test is needed, and much more time. If I had a few days with flowing water tests, or even one day, I think I could do a more compelling job than they have done so far.

You have already acknowledged being convinced by "private information." That's fine. For you. It's not adequate for the rest of us.

Yes. It is very frustrating for me, but I cannot do anything about it. Believe me, I am trying. In the larger sense, I have been trying for years to persuade cold fusion researchers to publish more. I have had mixed success. I have thousand of pages of papers and information I cannot upload. Most of it is unimportant, but some would go a long way to clearing up these misunderstandings.

- Jed

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