From: Axil Axil
*       First, since Papp technology is open source, and intellectual
property is not an issue, the lawyers are not going to get very far.

What makes you think it is open source? In fact, this appears not to be the
case. There are several patents in effect, even if Papp's original IP has
expired. Note that his original IP is entitled: "Method & Means of
Converting Atomic Energy Into Utilizable Kinetic Energy". Papp used radium,

*       Next IMHO, Bob Rohner is not capable of getting the Papp engine to

That much is true.

*       Next, the Papp engine should be rightly feared by LENR advocates
because it will make most of the known LENR technology obsolete. In this
state of affairs, the LENR community will tend to disparage it; it's human

Absurd ! This is completely unscientific bogosity. Nobody "fears" it because
there is nothing to fear. There is no data in the last 20 years that shows
it has worked since the time of Papp. I agree that it did work then and that
the reason is known. Your Nobel gas cluster idea was shot down in flames -
and to be frank - this whole episode is really becoming a joke and a
distraction to new technology that does work.

*       Finally, the engine that Feynman saw was self-powered, that is why
it ran away.
Even if that is partly true historically, the engine has not been duplicated
since Papp's time and for a very good reason. Papp used radioactive
isotopes, most radium - which are not obtainable now, and consequently his
version of the engine will never be duplicated in the way Papp was able to
do it. 

*       Papp was intent on showing a perpetual motion device and he cross
wired the cylinders so they each fed power the other. This feedback setup
resulted in an accelerating positive feedback loop and a man was killed by

Since nuclear isotopes were Papp's power source, this disqualifies
"perpetual motion". The feedback scenario is a guess without any underlying
justification, other than that it relates to Hubbard. All that we know for
fact is that Feynman unplugged it while running, it exploded and a bystander
was killed, Cal Tech was sued and paid the estate of the victim a large sum.
Following that tragedy, the engine was never shown independently to run
again. It is possible the victim ingested radioactive materials but that was
covered up in the settlement agreement.

It is ludicrous to think that anyone in LENR "fears" the modern versions of
Papp technology, because there is nothing to it without the radium and other
isotopes. Papp invented a new kind of nuclear reactor - END OF STORY.

Except for this: If you want to investigate a better device than Papp, which
also used the same or similar radioactive isotopes for large apparent gain
being dependent on a proper coil - and probably very similar to Papp -
investigate the Hubbard coil:

There is no doubt it worked, and little doubt that the reason it worked had
a lot to do with radium... same as the Papp engine. The Hubbard coil has the
distinct advantage of being solid state and needing no noble gasses.

There is a glaring cross-connection of Hubbard's design to the original Papp
engine via the coil. Do you think this is coincidental? Note also the
details that are seen in the foundation of Josef Papp's work: US Patent #
3,670,494; "Method & Means of Converting Atomic Energy Into Utilizable
Kinetic Energy" and this is clearly based on converting radium and similar
isotopes into electrical current. Radium was once commonly available, but no

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