Chris Zell <> wrote:

> You are assuming that the NSA has good motives. I call that naive.

I do not assume anything about the NSA's motives. However, I know for a
fact that the high level people in the Navy and the DoE do not believe in
cold fusion. They think it is a mistake. Obama's first Sec. of Energy, S.
Chu, denounced cold fusion. The Navy ordered Pam Boss to stop working
because of this. I assume that if the NSA becomes interested in cold fusion
they will consult with the DoE, or perhaps the APS. These organizations
will tell the NSA there is nothing to it, and they should ignore the

The NSA has their plate full with actual terrorist threats, the Chinese
military and other problems. They do not have time to investigate what the
DoE considers a perpetual motion machine claim.

>   In addition,  we have the "Petro-Fascist" establishment -that was tied
> to the US starting an unnecessary ( actually involving fraud) war . . .

The fossil fuel industry knows nothing about cold fusion. They are not a
bit worried that it might be real, and it might hurt them. I have had
enough contact with them to be confident of that. The fossil fuel companies
are busy fighting one-another. Coal has it in for natural gas fracking and
wind turbines; the wind turbine people are fighting coal; the natural gas
industry is trying to destroy the coal interests and price supports in
Congress; and everyone is fighting the resurgence of nuclear fission power.
They are much too busy fighting for power within their industry to worry
about cold fusion. None of them believes it exists. They probably will pay
no attention until it is too late to stop cold fusion.

This dynamic is described by C. Christensen in the book, "The Innovator's
Dilemma," which I highly recommend.

If the public realizes how much money cold fusion will save consumers, the
fossil fuel lobbyists and Members of Congress will be powerless to stop it.
They will be like mosquitoes trying to stop a railroad train. They will try
to stop it, but the public will drown them out. Democracy does work
sometimes, especially when money is the issue. Not always; the healthcare
system has extracted fantastic sums of money from the U.S. public. That is
because illness can kill you, doctors hospitals are intimidating, and most
people cannot judge how much a doctor should charge. Also,and most people
have not lived in Europe, Canada or Japan where the healthcare systems are
far better than in the U.S., and far cheaper. That will not be a problem
with energy. Everyone knows what it costs and what it is used for. No one
is intimidated at a gas station. You buy the cheapest gasoline on the
block. When cold fusion is sold at a cost 100 times cheaper, everyone will
buy it. No one will buy gasoline.

- Jed

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