Berke Durak <> wrote:

> > This device is worth trillions of dollars to industrial corporations
> worldwide. Such secrets cannot be kept under wraps forever.
> True, but then I found this sentence in your book:
> > The bottom line is that the energy sector, which is the largest industry
> in the world — a $2.8
> trillion behemoth — will shrink to $1.3 billion, one-fourth the size
> of the bubblegum business.

The energy industry will gradually vanish. It will take decades. It took
decades for cars to replace horses. That began around 1900. The U.S. horse
population peaked in 1929.

While the energy sector will gradually decline and vanish, other industries
will flourish because of cold fusion. Things like indoor factory farms will
boom. Many energy intensive industries will boom, because their products
will suddenly be much cheaper.

As I said, all of the weapons systems will need to redesigned from scratch
to take advantage of it. All U.S. Navy ships will be obsolete, and will
have to be replaced. Think of the profits to be made there!

> With stakes that high, shouldn't we expect LENR researchers to get
> offers they can't refuse?

That is not possible. There will be hundreds of thousands of LENR
researchers. No organization will be large enough or powerful enough to
co-opt, threaten or kill them all. As I said, the DoE cannot stop Chinese

There are only about a thousand researchers in the world now. At this
moment. You might be able to threaten them all. But the fossil fuel
industry and the DoE both think that cold fusion does not exist. They have
no knowledge of it. The are not going to try and stop something that they
consider a lunatic fringe perpetual motion machine movement. (We can thank
Robert Park and John Huizenga for that.) By the time they realize it is
real, it will far too late to stop it. There will be thousands of new
researchers entering the field every week when that happens.

The only thing I have heard from the top people in the Navy, the DoE, the
APS, Time magazine, the oil companies, or other mainstream organizations is
the kind of ignorant abuse spouted by Mary Yugo over at the Washington
Post. "It is all a scam. All crazy tin-foil hat nonsense." I am sure they
sincerely believe that. As long as they go on believing that, they will
make no effort to stop Rossi. Or Mizuno, or me, for that matter. They have
done nothing to stop us so far.

The president and CEO of National Instruments, on the other hand, knows
perfectly well that cold fusion is real. He is not going to keep that
knowledge to himself indefinitely. Other wealthy and powerful people know
this, and they too are beginning to stir.

Here is a prediction, or a scenario, if you will. Sooner or later some
nitwit "pundit" at the New York Times or at Fox News or who-knows-where
will realize that many powerful, well informed people take this subject
seriously. He will read Truchard's keynote address and ask a physicist to
look into it. The physicist then reads McKubre and stops and thinks before
rejecting it. A few of them do, you know. The physicist reads the latest

The pundit writes an article, which will trigger other articles, which --
perhaps in a matter of days -- may trigger an avalanche of interest. Public
opinion changes quickly in the Internet era. I am not saying this will
definitely happen, but I would not bet against it. Think about the effect
of a few more studies from ELFORSK, with a wide variety of input power
measurements listed this time. Of course Yugo and Shanahan will reject
them. That goes without saying. But hundreds of other people will be pushed
off the fence.

- Jed

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