blaze spinnaker <> wrote:

> What's in doubt is that Rossi has created an eCat with an absurdly high
> (and seemingly controllable) COP that is relying on cold fusion / LENR.

In what sense is the COP "absurdly" high? Many devices have no input at
all, with an infinite COP. Many devices have achieved similarly high power
density and temperatures. No else has done it on such a large scale, with
so much reactant, but there is still nothing "absurd" about it.

All along it has been our hope that someone would achieve this. It has been
reasonable to assume someone would. Rossi is skilled person with a great
deal of relevant expertise in catalysis. I am not surprised that someone
with his background has solved the problem.

There are no technical reasons to doubt Rossi's claims now that they have
been confirmed by Levi et al. Rossi is flamboyant but you should not let
that affect your judgement. It is irrelevant. Many flamboyant people are
right, and many unpretentious people are wrong.

- Jed

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