Yes Axil, that is based on the same underlying concept. The "relativistic"
interpretation of Casimir effect says the larger virtual particles are not
excluded from the cavity but rather space time translates locally such that
they get more space at the cost of less time. These dilated virtual
particles form the fabric of space time in the cavity and any hydrogen gas
to migrate through the region become fractional or Rydberg. I am currently
considering an idea that would benefit from your advice since we have
conflicted on this subject previously and this is my premise.. What if the
"inverse" Rydberg atom is not really inverse at all..  Naudts' paper on
relativistic hydrogen has always intrigued me as to the possibility of the
orbital being displaced on the time axis appearing smaller from our
perspective but locally unchanged, The change in my thinking is regarding
the energy level and why would a relativistic orbital, [and I use the term
relativistic loosely with respect to an orbital existing in a region of
dilated virtual particles not the velocity of the orbital], drop to a lower
energy level to reach these 137 different fractional states. The concept I
am suggesting is that these so called fractional states from our
perspective could enjoy all the normal space of their Rydberg equivalent
from their own local perspective through dilation. Could the hydrino series
be Lorentz transformed Rydbergs?





From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 2:52 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:More versatile Maxwell's demons


It has been shown that information can be converted into energy:


Entangled Particles Break Classical Law of Thermodynamics, Say Physicists


The Ni/H reactor may be a system where entanglement is converted into


Here is are reasons why entanglement can be converted into energy. The
preferred state of the plasmons exciton is entanglement. When plasmons are
formed under the proper topological conditions, the plasmons entangle with
extreme vigor. If plasmon entanglement is formed faster than an energy
extracting de-coherence process can destroy it, might it not be possible
that the Ni/H reactor can extract energy out of the Higgs field (aka vacuum
energy) for free?


On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 2:07 PM, <> wrote:

Fran and ChemE,

I wish I could add some explanations, but all I can add are more examples
of (real or apparent?) anomalies and paradoxes seemingly related to
physical interactions and boundary effects.  Perhaps of interest:

Mystery of neutron-lifetime discrepancy deepens

(Oscillating) non-exponential decays of unstable states

Radioactive Decay Anomaly Finally Explained (Maybe)
- A long-standing puzzle over periodic oscillations in the decay of some
  elements may have finally been solved, say physicists

And, I'm still not convinced that the explanations offered so far really
account for the fact that chiral molecules, like ammonia, insist on staying
in either their right-handed (|R>) or left-handed (|L>) states rather than
decaying to their lowest energy symmetric state (superposition |R>+|L>,
normalized, of course.)  Somehow, the universe finds the superposition a
bit abhorrent.

-- Lou Pagnucco

ChemE wrote:
> Fran,
> What I am really trying to say is that if you hang around close to the
> surface/horizon of  vacuum/black hole/zpe/dark matter (whatever you want
> to
> call it) expect more radiation/decay, which ionizes you at a faster rate -
> like catalysis that speeds up reactions that you are describing and I
> agree
> with.  If you can protect yourself from the radiation/flux then yes, you
> will age slower (the surface/shields of your ship will have to protect
> you...) But I think that is the same on Earth.  If we can protect
> ourselves
> from ionizing radiation around us, we will all age slower.  Problem is,
> our
> gravitational flux (of entropy to the Earth's center) and due to
> weather(vacuum) disturbances they are aging all of us at a similar rate
> over 80 or so obits...and we decay.  Human's half life is around 24 years
> or so (actually probably less but our bodies replace damaged cells all of
> the time or we would all be dead quicker).
> Best way I can explain it.  Trying to separate all of the fusion/fission
> reactions occurring near the surface of the quantum vacuum "foam" is like
> separating gnat shit from pepper...:) But it is important and I agree with
> the overall direction of the discussion.  If the core of the Earth, Sun,
> Gas Giant Planets, ETC. are curled up vacuum orbifolds with decaying
> firewalls and our weather disturbances are vacuum and that "cosmic string"
> I think was photographed from ISON on Thanksgiving day is vacuum then
> vacuum branes and strings all around us.
> Stewart

> [...]


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