I actually have been thinking about this for couple of days and the
Luttinger Liquid CONCEPT rings a bell, although I probably never read the
original report.

I probably read about it here:

*Nanotubes break superconducting
 *PhysicsWeb ^
* | 2/14/2006 | Belle Dume'

Posted on *Wed 15 Feb 2006  * <http://www.freerepublic.com/%7Eneville72/>

Physicists in Japan have shown that "entirely end-bonded" multi-walled
carbon nanotubes can superconduct at temperatures as high as 12 K, which is
30 times greater than for single-walled carbon nanotubes. The discovery has
been made by a team led by Junji Haruyama of Aoyama Gakuin University in
Kanagawa. The superconducting nanotubes could be used to study fundamental
1D quantum effects and also find practical applications in molecular
quantum computing (Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 057001).

Superconductivity is the complete absence of electrical resistance and is
observed in certain materials when they are cooled below a superconducting
transition temperature (Tc). Physicists agree that superconductivity relies
on getting electrons to overcome their mutual Coulomb repulsion and form
"Cooper pairs". In the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory of
low-temperature superconductivity, the electrons are held together because
of their interactions with phonons -- lattice vibrations in the material.

However, 1D conductors like carbon nanotubes -- rolled up sheets of
graphite just nanometres in diameter -- are not naturally superconducting.
One reason for this is the presence of so-called Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
(TLL) states in the material, which cause the electrons to repulse each
other and so destroy Cooper pairs.

Now, however, Haruyama and colleagues have designed a system in which there
is a superconducting phase that can compete with the TLL phase and even
overcome it -- a feat hitherto believed impossible. The system consists of
an array of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, each of which consists of a
series of concentric nanotube shells. Electrical contacts made of metal are
bonded to the tubes so they touch the top of all the shells. Conventional
"bulk junction" contacts, in contrast, touch only the outermost shell of a
tube and along its length.

Haruyama and co-workers grew their multiwalled nanotubes from a template of
porous alumina. Next, they cut the tops off the nanotubes using ultrasound
or etching techniques and then evaporated a gold electrode onto the exposed
ends of the tubes. In this way, nearly all of the nanotube shells were made
electrically active.

The Japan team find that the end-bonded nanotubes lose all resistivity at
temperatures below 12 K. According to the researchers, this is because the
TLL states are suppressed so that superconductivity can appear. Moreover,
the Tc depends on the numbers of electrically activated shells and the
physicists will now try to increase this figure by making more or all of
the shells active.

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, unfortunately I'm not that well read.  But since it was suggested that
> we should be calling this something other than BEC, a 1D  Luttinger Liquid
> sounds good to me -- the 1DLL theory...
> On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 12:27 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint 
> <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:
>> I think this is where Kevin got his theory!  Even if he was not
>> consciously aware of it...
>> J
>> Jan 23, 2014
>> Quantum physics in 1-D: New experiment supports long-predicted 'Luttinger
>> liquid' model
>> http://phys.org/news/2014-01-quantum-physics-d-long-predicted-luttinger.html
>> "In 1950, Japanese Nobel Prize winner Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, followed by
>> American physicist Joaquin Mazdak Luttinger in 1963, came up with a
>> mathematical model showing that the effects of one particle on all others
>> in a one-dimensional line would be much greater than in two- or
>> three-dimensional spaces. Among quantum physicists, this model came to be
>> known as the "Luttinger liquid" state."
>> -mark iverson
>> *From:* Jones Beene [mailto:jone...@pacbell.net]
>> *Sent:* Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:13 AM
>> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
>> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:"energy driven superconductivity" and IR coherence
>> for LENR
>> Very interesting Kevin.
>> This could be especially relevant if the tubes in question are shown to
>> be a composite, made with graphite fibers, or CNT.
>> The inside of a carbon nanotube would seem to favor a single line of
>> dense hydrogen.
>> The hydrogen may technically not need to be 1-D so much as to have an
>> extreme ratio of length to diameter.
>> *From:* Kevin O'Malley
>> ***I have a theory to propose.  It could be a one dimensional BEC rather
>> than 3 dimensional.  By that, I mean that there's a BEC forming along a
>> single line of atoms (1dimensional), not along a plane (2dimensional) nor
>> in a cube (3dimensional).  So it's a partial BEC.

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