I think this will be relevant for Storms theory and radiation. 

reactions H+e+H or D+e+D in hydrons will take "long" time for a nuclear

The energy is released as a sequence of many photons. 

the reaction is greatly dependent on the environment. 

There may be
some events in the metal how may destroy the NAE and interrupt ongoing
nuclear reactions. 

If the hydrogen pair already have released some
energy the reaction may it not go back. Instead it will realise 

remaining energy in one high energy photon or as particles, but not so
high energy as in a hot fusion reaction. 


On Mon, 3 Feb 2014
09:01:20 -0700, Edmund Storms  wrote: 

On Feb 3, 2014, at 8:10 AM, Axil
Axil wrote: 

The cold fusion reaction must be the same for all systems
if we look deep enough. LeClair reports gamma radiation in cavitation
and so does Piantelli in a nickel bar system. Both these systems are
cold systems, 
Piantelli reports gammas when his system is very cold
only. Rossi says that his early systems produced gammas. 

The bottom
line, the basic cold fusion process does not always exclude the
production of gammas.   
 First of all Axil, we apparently agree that
one BASIC mechanism is causing all behavior called LENR. We disagree
about what this mechanism is. Nevertheless, we need to be very clear
about the words used to describe this behavior because several kinds of
nuclear reactions take place at the same time, each of which produce
radiation. Fusion makes the main heat and radiation, transmutation makes
a little heat and a little radiation, and fractofusion makes occasional
energetic radiation. Only a little of the radiation is energetic, none
of which is produced by cold fusion. That feature makes LENR unique. 

Second, the Rossi claim for transmutation producing energy is simply
WRONG. This is not correct, is not possible, and is not needed to
explain the energy. We should leave Rossi out of the discussion and
focus on published information from many competent sources.  

the process can be explained using only a few plausible assumptions.
Unfortunately, Vortex does not allow attachments, which prevents me from
giving everyone the latest papers. I will send them to your personal


On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Jones Beene 

FROM: Eric Walker   

Jed Rothwell wrote:     

discussions about "suppressing" gamma rays and neutrons have been around
since the beginning of cold fusion.          

It is true that some
people in this thread have been arguing about the suppression of
MeV-range gammas. Like you say, this sounds pretty far-out. Better not
to have powerful gammas in the first place.   

That is really the crux
of the Nickel hydrogen analysis. Rossi/Forcardi originally proposed a
reaction in which substantial gammas should have been witnessed at 10 kW
of thermal release. The original lead shielding (in the first demo) was
indicative of his belief that there were gamma and he hired an expert
for testing at that demo.  

Things changed. Note that of late, Rossi's
own comments (to JoNP) show that he is no longer pushing the
transmutation of nickel to copper, and has doubts about any theory. In
fact, we know that Ni -> Cu cannot be the prime reaction for the reasons
which have been hashed and rehashed- particularly, the lack of
radioactive ash.    

Jones wants to say that there is no penetrating
radiation whatsoever in NiH. He no doubt has his reversible proton
fusion in mind.  

Well, yes - the RPF reversible proton fusion
suggestion (diproton reaction) only came into play as a last resort -
and it was chosen as the "one and only" well-known nuclear reaction in
all of physics which did not produce gammas. Problem is, of course, it
only happens on the sun; and QCD, which would describe the level of
exotherm (it is a strong force reaction) is not my field of expertise. I
have been attempting to partner with an expert in QCD on this theory,
but of course, most of them are negative on LENR to begin with and do
not want to have their name associated with Rossi. That will change very

Ed wants to say that what low-level radiation there is above a
very low threshold is due to side channels (if I have understood him).
He has his hydroton in mind. I've argued that the evidence bears
otherwise on both counts, and that low-level penetrating radiation is
both seen and is perhaps inherent to NiH cold fusion and not due to a
side channel.  

The problem with any suggestion including Ed's, which
does not exclude gamma radiation from the start (ab initio) which is to
say - by the nature of the reaction itself - can be called "leakage." In
all reactions in physics where gammas can witnessed, they will be
witnessed. There are no exceptions. Gammas are highly penetrating, and
even1% leakage stands out like a sore thumb. Actually even one part per
billion would stand out like a sore thumb. 

I do not mind belaboring
the main point - that to adequately explain Rossi's results, if Rossi is
for real - we must backtrack in order find a gammaless starting point.
This is due to the excellent gamma study by Bianchini who, with top
notch instrumentation, could not find any gammas over hours of study at
high thermal release, with his probes place under the original lead
shielding. HE FOUND NONE - essentially a background level. The
importance of "none" instead of a few, cannot be overemphasized. The
underlying reaction must be gammaless. 

It is not sufficient to suggest
that gammas are formed and suppressed. "Leakage" prevents that
suggestion. There are no gammas in the Rossi reactor during operation
and the ones seen at startup can be easily explained as external. 

Things could be different for other reactions like Pd-D, but for now,
we are only concerned with an analysis of the Rossi reaction, in this


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