Kevin, let me fill you in on a secret of making high precision ASSesments.

If you are going to pull figures from your ass, you can make them as many
decimal places as you like limited by a factor or 3 things.

#1 How unchecked you have let your ego grow.
#2 How Cheek-y you are.
#3 How big an ass you are (or have).

I happen to be wearing socks today with 'Cheeky' written on them (part of a
set with Awesome, Happy, Angry etc...).
So I could go a whole extra decimal place today if I wanted.

Before you know it you will be going to 5 significant figures with just a
little practass!

On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:04 AM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 12:51 AM, John Berry <>
> wrote:
> Kevin, I think you failed to account for CME and sunspot activity being
> very low.
> Elevated sunspot activity is related to aberrant behavior.
> This will reduce the odds of a sudden reASSesment by Blaze down another
> 0.013% down to 7.077%
>  ***Well, that's a good point.  In addition, there is the spot market
> price of Preparation H.  However, I notice that you're using four
> significant figures and I'm using three. Your 7.077% would get rounded up
> and make it 7.08% in my dataset.   My data isn't accurate enough to go down
> as far as you have.  Do you have a better data collection scheme?  If so,
> please let us all know.
> So with your input about sunspots & CMEs, and the Preparation H thing, I
> am constrained to reduce the odds of a sudden reASSesment by Blaze down to
> 7.06%.  We appear to be very close in our analysis.  However, there is
> little doubt that blaze would take the difference and see it as a reason to
> downgrade Rossi-Being-Real another 10%.

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