Hi Julian,

>    Now back to disk drives and filesystems.  Has anyone bothered to use
> "RD Prep"?  I ask this because it actually suggests that you make a copy
> of the RDB onto another disk (not another partition), as a file, so, if
> something does go wrong, you can recover easier. 

I got RDPrep 3.91 supplied with my drive. I personally find it a lot
more useable than HDToolBox.

It does indeed allow you to save the RDB and mountfile config,
although this is of questionable use in the event of a major foul-up.
The RDB used to be the subject of attack from a number of viruses, now
fortunately rarely seen, so its maybe worth keeping the small file
generated. Don't keep it on the drive you were hoping to recover
though... :-)

I have found by far and away the easiest, safest and most relaible way
of being sure of the data is to have a full backup. No contest. No
worries.  Maybe its me, but I never got on with any of the available
backup progs so I just back up whole directories to Zip disks and have
done with it. :-/

And to add my 2p's worth to the filesystem discussion, I will add my
support to PFS. I have run PFS2 on all my partitions for a couple of
years without major incident. There is a very noticeable performance
improvement too. I would no way go back to FFS....



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