
   You have asked if our discussing filesystems is, perhaps, not the
proper subject for this list.  I will answer this in both a short way
and a more complete way.

  The short way:  "You betcha bippy it is appropriate!"

  The more complete way:  "Check out the thread.  If you recall, this
got started when a few of us (I, included) stated that, when using V 3.2 
or 3.2.12 to go to certain Web sites, the browser would try to download
something, such as javascript or other files which made up a Web page. 
The next thing we knew, our computer would start rebooting, without
warning!  Then we would find our Amigas spend a lot of time trying to
validate the drive we used to store the Cache file for V, AWeb, or
IBrowse, and, would not necessarily be able to validate the drive.  This
would leave us with the possibility of having to reformat the disk."

   The thread eventually got to where it is not, today.  If you really
do not want us to talk about such matters as making backups, getting
the best filesystem, etc., then fix the problem V has with javascript,
and make V java enabled.

P.S.  Chris Holt stated what I have, above, more eloquently than I did. 
I am only sending this out to add emphasis on the points.

Author of "MSH Tutorial V. 3.0".  Found on Aminet -- MSHTut30.lha

Julian Aronowitz.  Tel.:  (718) 654-1681; E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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