Tim, you have made an important point that highlights how it can be harder
for the bricks & mortar Apple shops to compete in this arena - but I don't
think it is necessarily impossible.  The advent of web research and online
comparisons and communities such as WAMUG poses challenges but also
opportunities for them.

When a retailer's overheads introduce a price disparity into the equation
added to customers' expectations of unlimited unpaid support - you can find
it can be hard to maintain quality service and keep good people on staff.
(I know that the amount of turn-over of sales staff in the Apple Resellers I
used to work for made it very difficult at times).

The difficulties of trying to compete in this business is only too obvious
when you look at the number of Apple shops going out of business or changing
hands all the time - Of the 5 Apple resellers I used to work for, 4 of them
died or changed hands while I was working for them (I promise it wasn't my
fault!! - this was during the dark pre-Steve Jobs Return days!) - and none
of them exist anymore.

And yet there is definitely a need for the public face that Apple Resellers
provide particularly as Apple doesn't have any company-owned Apple Stores
Down-Under. The mantle does indeed fall on the often under-appreciated Apple
Retailer to provide the "Apple Experience" in the flesh for the unwashed

I would however stand by my point that from the point of view of this group
(WAMUG) these very-same Apple shops could do a lot better in addressing what
is in many ways a different audience than the general public - but one they
could be reaping benefits from nonetheless.  As such, the experiences
related by MUG members are I think quite valid in this context and should
pose a helpful wake-up call for more Apple Retailers to build relationships
with the very same Mac enthusiasts who could be referring so much business
their way (and shouldering so much of their support load as well!).

I also wanted to add to my earlier email the slightly different subject of
Apple Authorised Hardware Repairers - the service that I and quite a few
other Curtin staff have received from Stuart at Desktop Applications (now I
believe part of Team Digital)  has been head and shoulders above that of
some other Apple Resellers in Perth.

Also, the service that Keith Palmer from Zytech gave over the years
supplying 3rd party gear over the web was always very fast and low cost and
his contributions on the WAMUG email list were always very welcome. (haven't
had an opportunity yet to experience Zytech's service now that Greg has
taken over!)


Martin Hill,  Digital Media Specialist
Information Management Services, Curtin University of Technology
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED],   web: http://is.curtin.edu.au/ims.cfm
Mb: 0417-967-969  wk: (08)9266-3101  Fax: (08)9266-3826

> From: Tim Law <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 22:45:17 +0800
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
> Subject: Re: Good dealer - bad dealer
> Hi,
> I'm one of the obviously large band of Macwizardry supporters, but I'd like
> to add a note of caution about the polling to ensure, pardon the pun, apples
> are compared with apples.
> One of Daniel's strengths as I have experienced, is his personalised service
> coming to home or office when needed. It's great. No question.
> But as far as I know he doesn't have a showroom or staff. Now this isn't a
> weakness if people know 'kind of' what they want. But what about people who
> need to 'see' what is on offer from Apple and need to go into a shop, or are
> new to Apple customers? Whilst it is entirely fair to expect a high level of
> personalised service and quality advice from a shop, it's a bit tough on
> them to be compared with someone who doesn't have the shop part of the
> business to contend with.
> I might be digging myself a hole here, but all I am trying to point out is
> that whatever survey is done needs to be fair to the various styles of
> businesses around.
> We need the shops, and we need the Daniels. Let the survey reflect that -
> especially if it's going to be a nationwide exercise.
> Thanks
> Tim
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