Hi Dudley,

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 11:10 pm, you wrote:
> I couldn't agree with Tim more. I'm afraid a shopfront retailer and a
> website/mobile phone "retailer" are simply NOT comparable.

But receiving bad service is.  Daniel worked at the original AppleCentre in 
Cannington, where he served almost all the people that still buy from him 
now.  I´m all for having a storefront, but like most people on this list I 
don´t tolerate poor service when laying out my hard earned cash.  

> And I think the list should lay off the thinly veiled whinges about our
> shopfront retailers. Do we want shopfront retailers for the mac or
> don't we?

This is nothing compared to the bagging this list dished out when I was 
working at Random Access.  People then named the store and the particular 
staff member!  At the moment it is insinuated and no store is mentioned.

> Hey, there will be good and bad stories about every dealer, but if they
> are no good they will sink under their own weight without any help from
> WAMUG members.

Which is why the awards will be good for those who do provide excellent 
service.  From what I can gather there aren´t any awards for poor service :-)

> And I really don't like the idea of any postings to this sort of list
> about our shopfront retailers - it is too open to abuse and planted
> stories.

That´s fine, but what if there were a lot of Mac users getting ripped off by a 
retailer, whether it would be a shopfront or phone/web retailer.  Are we 
going to continue to be ripped off, or should someone say something?  You 
will find that all of the retailers are on this list, so they all know what 
the general feeling is.  In one way it does help if someone gets bagged - at 
least they have the opportunity to defend themselves and rectify the problem.  
I did this with RA and had a number of WAMUG members come in to Nedlands or 
Cannington, who were pleasantly surprised with the new level of service they 
received.  What would be worse if no one said anything, but decided not to go 
back to the store.  The store would have no feedback as to why people weren´t 
returning to buy at the store.  It works both ways I think with 
*constructive* feedback!



From Rod´s Linux Box