terima kasih pak nur atas kirimannya,
saya sendiri kenal pribadi dengan Pak Syamsudin Arief waktu di Jerman
dan kritisinya terhadap tulisan-tulisan Luxenberg
mengenai bidadari di surga, justru Luxenberg ini menentang penafsiran
"hur" sebagai bidadari di surga melainkan sebagai anggur putih
jadi anggapan bahwa di surga orang muslim akan mendapatkan bidadari
itu justru bukan tafsiran dari Luxenberg
dan bukan Luxenberg yang salah mengutip bahwa orang muslim akan
mendapatkan 72 bidadari karena keliru memaknai penomoran ayat, karena
Luxenberg merujuk pada QS 44:54

Virgins or grapes?
The by now world-famous story about 'virgins or grapes' also works
like this. Luxenberg starts with Q 44:54 ?? ????????????? ???????
????? wa zawwajnahum bi hur 'in, 'We shall wed them to maidens with
large, dark eyes'. For ??????? zawwajnahum, 'we shall wed them' he has
a different, and purely Arabic, alternative: ??????? rawwahnahum 'we
shall let them rest'. It's a difference of only two diacritical dots
and in rasm it's identical.[15] The interpretation now used by Muslims
was a result of the preposition bi being read as Arabic 'to'. 'We
shall let them rest to' doesn't sound as logical as 'We shall wed them
to'. Hence the Arabic reading of bi. But in Syriac bi also means
'under' or 'among' and that makes the translation 'we shall let them
rest among...' a very good possibility.

If this reading is accepted, hur 'in cannot refer to virgins any more.
Furthermore, the way in which hur 'in is traditionally translated
requires some idiomatic acrobatics. Literally hur is a plural of the
female adjective 'white' (????? hawra'). So it could refer to white
women, but the object might just as well be a female word in the
grammatical sense only. The word 'in is traditionally seen as the
plural of the word for 'eye' and is translated by 'wide-eyed'. It is
however not a usual plural and it only occurs in the phrase hur 'in.
So in a sense it is a hapax. The literal translation 'wide-eyed
whites' would then be a description of the virgins in paradise. In
English translations this rather too literal choice of words is
rendered as 'fair ones with wide, lovely eyes' (Pickthal), 'fair women
with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes' (Yusufali) and even just
'Houris pure, beautiful ones' (Shakir).

Luxenberg doesn't deny that hur can mean 'white' and 'in 'eye', but he
proposes, through Syriac, a different reading of bi hur 'in as a
consequence of the changed context: 'among/under fine/crystal clear
whites'. That cryptic phrase works more or less in the same way that
'big cheese' can describe an important person in English. Luxenberg
finds parallels for the metonymic use of the word 'white' in the sense
of 'grape', both in Arabic and in Syriac. The 'eye' in his view is a
metaphor to describe 'the appearance' of something. For this too he
manages to find expressions in both languages, like 'the "eye" of a
man' meaning 'his appearance' and 'the "eye" of something' in the
sense of 'its preciousness'.[16]


On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 3:27 PM, H. M. Nur Abdurahman
<mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wikan Danar Sunindyo" <wikan.da...@gmail.com>
> To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:31
> Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Misteri Sungai di Dalam Laut Mexico
> saya malah gak nemu bagian mana dari situs answering islam yang memuat
> tulisan luxenberg
> mungkin pak nur bisa menunjukkan?
> karena situs answering islam http://www.answering-islam.org itu
> mengandung banyak tulisan, berlevel-level, tidak ada fasilitas search
> serta nyambung ke situs-situs lain dalam berbagai bahasa
> saya pengin tahu saja tulisan luxenberg dalam situs tersebut seperti apa
> terima kasih
> ##########################################################
> Mengenai tulisan Luxenberg tidak dari Answering Islam saja. Itupun kalau 
> berasal dari Answering Ilam berupa kutipan dari pion-pion situs tsb.seperti 
> misalnya antara lain dari Gabriela K. Kalau berminat tahu Luxenberg dan 
> tulisannya, ini saya tampilkan:

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