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These are not my thoughts.  I am copying off a flyer that an elder Quaker
woman gave me.  She will be leaving Wednesday to join the protest at Ft.
Benning, Georgia.

The U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA), now located at Ft. Benning,
Georgia, is a combat training school for Latin American soldiers.  The
SOA was established in Panama in 1946 -- supposedly to promote stability
in the region.  But its reputation for churning out despots soon earned
it the nickname, "Escuela de Golpes" or "School of Coups".

In 1984, the SOA was kicked out of Panama under terms of the Panama Canal
Treaty, and a major Panamanian newspaper dubbed it "The School of
Assassins".  The name was well-earned and well-documented.  SOA-trained
soldiers have left a trail of blood and suffering in every country where
they have returned.  

During its 53 year history, the SOA has readied over 60,000 Latin
American troops, and continues each year to train 900-2,000 soldiers in
combat skills such as commando tactics, military intelligence, and
psychological operations.  In 1996, a White House report revealed the
existence of training manuals used at the SOA that advocated torture,
executing, and blackmail.

SOA-trained troops have used these skills to make war against their own
people, with disastrous consequences.  Hundreds of thousands of Latin
Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, "disappeared."
massacred, and forced into refuge by those trained at the "School of

The United Nations Truth Commission Report 

The 1993 UN Truth Commission Report on El Salvador cited the officers
responsible for the worst atrocities committed during that country's
brutal civil war.  Over 2/3 of those named were trained at the School of
the Americas.  For example:

Romero Assassination:  Archbishop Oscar Romero, beloved champion of the
poor, was assassinated while celebrating mass.  The UN Truth Commission
cited 3 officers- 2 were SOA-trained.

Murder of Labor Unionists:  Three labor union leaders were assassinated
at the Hotel Sheraton in San Salvador by members of the Salvadoran
National Guard who raped and killed them.  Three of the 5 linked to the
case were SOA-trained.  Another was a guest speaker at the SOA.  Two were
granted residence in the U.S.

Jesuit Massacre: Six Jesuit priest, their housekeeper, and her teenage
daughter were massacred at the priests' residence at the University of
Central America in San Salvador.  Of the 26 cited for this atrocity, 19
were SOA-trained.

El Mozote Massacre:  Over 900 unarmed civilians were murdered.  Their
bodies were mutilated and burned or left to rot.  Twelve officers cited:
10 were SOA graduates.

According to Pentagon figures, the School of the Americas cost  U. S.
taxpayers between $10 and $20 million annually.  This includes operating
expenses and millions to cover "scholarships" to bring soldiers here from
all over Latin America for training.  It also pays the travel, salaries,
and expenses for Latin American military officers "hired" to come from
their countries to Ft. Benning to teach the bulk of the courses at the
SOA.  In a time when U.S. families are struggling to find resources for
education and other basics, it is a crime to use millions of dollars of
tax money on the School of Assassins. end quote.

There is more, but that is enough.  Are these facts wrong?  Are elderly
Quaker women wrong for joining a protest against what this paper says?  I
should explain, Quakers take a very proactive attitude towards preventing
violence and war.  They don't resist military service.  They actually put
their lives on the line going to protest demonstrations, especially
considering their age.   I don't know if discussion of military issues is
complete without their point of view.  

In the morning I will explain why Bush announced we have the New World
Order, and I said  we are what we fought against, so every war has been
fought for nothing.  I love my father.  He cleaned up the concentration
camps near the end of the second world war.  He walks out of the room
when I say we are on the same path Germany took.   My mother sang for USO
shows and was the perfect pin up girl used to morale high.  I love our
country.  When my grandchildren were taken illegal from my home and made
wards of the state, and I learned more tyranny than I there was to learn,
and started appreciating our liberty and freedom more than ever.  My
heart is saddened that good men and women think the need to defend our
democracy ended with the war and developing the strongest military might
on earth.  This military might is no longer under citizen control, and
our relationship with authority has reversed.  I have done my home work. 
I will validate everything I say.  Excuse me for trying to make light of
a subject that is not romantic fun and games, by saying Roman soldiers
are sexy, but sometimes the heaviness of the subject gives me a headache
so I try to make light of it. 

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