Yes I changed units because I am from europe and units should be all in 
metric system and I did that because I noticed that wind on console shows 
10km/h and in weewx that was abot 5 times less, like 2 km/h. So I still 
didn resolve that too.
And problem with UV still persist, I solved it for now with calibration. I 
have deleted database after that and started all over again, because weewx 
even didn't work.
So now it is like fresh installation.

Dne sobota, 14. april 2018 02.13.24 UTC+2 je oseba Andrew Milner napisala:
> Damjan
> I do not think you are telling us everything which you are 
> doing/changing!!  When you first posted to this thread the loop records 
> were in US units, and UV values appeared to be very high.  Your latest 
> posting has loop records in metric, and UV values appear to be more like UV 
> index values.
> So, do you still have a problem?  If you have been changing your database 
> units then your database could well contsin a mixture of imperial and 
> metric values - with very unpredictable results.
> On Saturday, 14 April 2018 02:49:33 UTC+3, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> Andrew Milner <andrew.s...@gmail.com> writes: 
>> > matthew has already said tha weewx does not calculate uv index - it 
>> merely 
>> > uses the data provided by the station 
>> But if there is some hardware that provides bits in a UV field, then a 
>> driver for that hardware should be translating the bits into an index 
>> value according to the encoding used.  I don't think we should be using 
>> calibration notions as a substitute for a well-understood 
>> representation.  But maybe I'm missing something here. 

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