On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Luca de Alfaro <l...@dealfaro.org> wrote:
> I am also at Google now, so if you like, I could at least let it be known of
> the possibility; I have no idea of whether it would be possible, or
> advisable, to get Google support or space for this.  Any feedback?

I've organized several events hosted by Google through Leslie
Hawthorn, who's great and is a friend of our community. (She's been to
several RCCs.) The experience has been great, but it has the same
problems as the others listed: size (probably can't host a 1,000
person gathering), proximity to housing, transportation, etc.

It sounds like Berkeley is the best bet so far. Phoebe, have you
investigated other local universities?


Eugene Eric Kim ................................ http://xri.net/=eekim
Blue Oxen Associates ........................ http://www.blueoxen.com/

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