Well, WMDE uses CiviCRM. I don't like it because I think it is too 

vtiger and Sugar are almost the same thing - vtiger is a fork of Sugar, 
but much more lightweight and with a better (less cluttered) userinterface.

What I like in these CRM:
* they have group and personal calendars and take control of tasks 
(reminder, delegation / assignments)

* they take care for the contacts _and_ the _history_ of this contacts 
(mails sent, phone calls done, letters sent ... also for planning of 
those -> calendar / tasks)

* they have a webmail, so incoming mails can be tracked and stored in 
the history by just one click

So it is basically a mixture of OTRS and a contact database.

Of course the CRM can do much more, but that's what we could really 
need. I have used Sugar in the past and I started using it just after a 
few minutes checking it out - it is really simple.

BTW. I also think that we could get rid of the (paid and externally 
hosted) members database by the CRM - vtiger can also handle invoices 
(membership fees)...

Am 28.01.2011 17:05, schrieb Ilario Valdelli:
> Can you give me a database to install it?

MySQL? Sure.

What else do you need? PHP?


Manuel Schneider

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