On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:15 PM, Theo10011 <de10...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As for "the highs and lows, ups and downs, failures and successes", allow
> us to decide on the holistic view. I don't think someone involved in a
> project can have a holistic view, things like observer bias and
> subject-expectancy effect might interfere.
> Who's us, Theo? And surely those involved in the project are allowed to
have - and share - their own views, regardless of whether or not others
agree with them?

> As for starting "Wiki editing" you might want to start yourself. I suggest
> your userpage on Meta, which if I recall I told you to create a month ago.
Ooooh! Can we please cut out these sort of unconstructive, personal
comments. They don't help anyone or anything.

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