On 09/04/2011 13:23, Thomas Dalton wrote:
> On 8 April 2011 10:48, Gordon Joly<gordon.j...@pobox.com>  wrote:
>> On 08/04/2011 10:31, Andrew Turvey wrote:
>>> Would you like to ask that question in the candidate Q&As?
>>>> All prospective and current Directors of the Company should be asked to
>>>> reveal Wikipedia and related identities (e.g. Commons) . And perhaps all
>>>> others (e.g. Twitter). It should be made part of the fabric of the
>>>> Company, which should be open and accountable.
>>>> Gordo (LoopZilla elsewhere)
>> My suggestion is to make it a condition of becoming a Director of the
>> Company that you would reveal all identities online. Both Wikimedia
>> related and others.
>> Open and accountable. That's the mantra.
> You want to amend the Articles of Association to that effect? I think
> that's the only way of making it properly binding. It's too late to
> propose such a motion for this AGM, I think, but you can propose it
> next year (I would probably vote for it, actually).
> ________________________

Yes, I do. It would be a motion for the next AGM.



Gordon Joly
Don't Leave Space To The Professionals!

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