Here's the reply for all answers.
Look at the name of the association. WISPA. We are not carriers, we Do Not get listed on the stock-exchange, we do not have money to burn. This is the reason for our existence. We deliver the goods where these fools fear to tread. A Microcell with 10 customers is profitable. Follow the 10% rule - 100 people in the community of your AP. People this is Rural Countryside, where even your Cellphone don't work here most times, but we do (I have a Skypeout account to make calls). Don't forget your 911 VOIP database. When you call 911 here, you hope the fire truck driver lives down the road from you. He knows it is the brick house on the north east corner. My total area of service does not have a population of 1 million. Explain the $1,000,000.00 you want me to spend. Tranzeo and Company got the message - here's a CPE for $5.00 - I'll take it, can I have twenty (don't know where they are going, but the price is right (bang,bang,bang, God my head is going to hurt tomorrow - this brickwall is not giving)) I have Wave rider in the garbage, I have Cirronet in the Garbage, I have Linksys in the Garbage, I have Engenius in the Garbage. How long have I been in business as a WISP - since 1999. Now I can guarantee you that if I had Alvarion/carrier grade vendor some of its models would be in the garbage. (you know what carrier grades means - VAR Value added reseller - charge more for the future services you are going to deliver, if needed). Now Today I climb a tower and replaced a CB3 (that wisps swear by) with a lowly Hawking HWBA11 (I don't even think Hawkings make them anymore (damn Everyready Bunny stole the idea - just keep on going....). All of my CB3's are showing their age. My Tranzeo CPQ's, 6000's and 5.8's are doing fine (Including the one that flew off the vehicle at a high rate of speed (95kph - thats' what the speedo said) )Forgot it on the roof - so I'm over 50 - sue me.

Vendor if your equipment don't follow a standard I won't buy it
If your equipment does not offer a ROI in three months max, no way
If your equipment cost more than $300.00 installed no customer wants it
Notice I am still waiting for 900mhz equipment

Oh by the way this is my business, my clients, my area and I learnt the hard way what is good for my business. (by the time we had learnt how to use our Cirronet, we had to remove it, the industry had moved on. So I am thankful for the live I got out of our CB3's and Hawkings. But they are paid for and we made a "profit". Now we are replacing the radio's with Tranzeo 6000's and CPQ CPE's, unless we get a NLOS solution with bandwidth.

End of Ramble, Sorry I took so long, :-)

You have a Good Day now,

Carl A Jeptha
office 905 349-2084
Emergency only Pager 905 377-6900
skype cajeptha

Steve Stroh wrote:


Here's my working definition of "carrier grade":

Designed for use by carriers
Suitable for use by carriers
Sufficiently reliable for use by carriers

There is MUCH that goes into a product designed for use by carriers. It's expensive and a tough market, so a lot of vendors don't try. Here are just a few features that are "carrier grade requirements" from my perspective:
* Designed for use in all conceivable weather elements
* Designed for long operational use with minimal attention (in the WISP market, one measure is that it doesn't reboot itself, or require regular reboots)
* Designed for easy and fast repair
* The vendor stocks ample replacement units deployed geographically for fast supply. * Support expertise by the vendor is readily available (excellent, easy-to-access tech support). Note that such support is almost never free, and carriers don't expect it to be. When they need help, they need it NOW and need to get their systems back online fast. (Carriers often have mandated time-to-repair maximums by regulatory agencies.) * Subtle features like strain relief on all connectors, meeting the telecom industry requirements for rack mounting, built-in protection for power line surges and lightning.
* Superb monitoring and remote control capabilities
* Offer continuous VERY-in-depth training programs at the factory so that carriers can get their personnel FULLY up to speed on a product. Again, this almost never free, and carriers don't expect it to be. * Offer continuous product improvement, bug fixes, recalls when appropriate, and does so proactively when an issue is identified, and does so in a way to minimize downtime such as offering proactive replacement units.


Regarding "Alvarion versus WISPs"... it's pretty simple. By offering "more like carrier-grade" products, Alvarion saw FAR more market demand by carriers, public safety, enterprise than they saw in the WISP market. They are willing to sell to WISPs, but few WISPs are willing to take the time to truly understand Alvarion's value proposition which involves FAR more than mere price of the product. You've finally come around to this view John, and you'll discover that you have a lot of company in that view - which isn't (widely) represented on this list or necessarily within WISPA. That's because operators who have spent the money for quality gear like Alvarion's generally don't have NEARLY as many issues with such gear that require "group support"... and such operators don't wish to associate their businesses with the "we'll just hack up a Linksys AP and have cheap gear" attitude that a lot of people in the telecom industry equate with WISPs.

Is Alvarion arrogant? Yes, at times, and certain individuals. But I think that's mostly a lot of pride and recognition that they were one of the pioneering companies in making it possible to offer carrier-grade services in license-exempt spectrum - something that the telecom industry KNEW could NOT be done. It's also the case that Alvarion offers the broadest product line in Broadband Wireless Internet Access - licensed and license-exempt, fixed and mobile, high-capacity and low-capacity, etc. Alvarion has very capable competitors in various segments, but I can't think of any company that competes head-to-head with Alvarion in all segments, even Airspan.



On Apr 11, 2006, at 20:51, John Scrivner wrote:

I decided to do some reading on the term "carrier-grade" and have found the following to be what is considered a definition in relation to our industry. One random source on the web refers to this as, "A term that implies a system that is designed to have increased availability and timeliness to meet the requirements of a modern communications network element." I saw this quantified on one site as being, a network device which has a sustained uptime of over 99.999%. This was as close to a quantifiable definition as I have found though it gives no length of time or other parameters to use for calculation of this percentage. According to Hughes Software Systems in regard to "Carrier-grade" they state that equipment can only be considered "Carrier-grade" after several years of real field use shows that it is highly available and reliable. In the end it is a very subjective term and one I will not use in the future unless I can quantify the classification. Basically there is no firm definition but I have heard of Alvarion referred to as "Carrier-grade" by others and mistakingly assumed it was a clearly defined characteristic. My apologies for this error in wording.

With that said I still think Alvarion is a far better platform than Canopy which is strictly my opinion and has no basis in fact. In the past I have been put-off by a perceived arrogance I have seen by some Alvarion representatives who have insisted previously that they had the "only" viable solution for wireless broadband and seemed as though they were claiming almost a "holier than thou" behavior toward anyone stating another opinion than their own. I have also seen a terribly biased negative attitude toward Alvarion by many WISPs who wanted to drive home the "WISP=Cheap" mentality to the point of alienating Alvarion from our entire market segment. Both Alvarion and most WISPs have lost a great ally in each other and I suspect both sides have suffered from such negativity. I am hoping to see this division closed between the typical WISP operator and Alvarion.


Steve Stroh
425-939-0076 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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