Replies below:

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Chuck McCown - 3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Canopy is outdoor.

And many have done quite well with is. I have some in my own network
now. I will likely deploy more of this myself where it makes sense.

> I don't want interop as I want to control users to my system.

I think you may misunderstand what I mean by interoperability. I am
speaking in terms of vendor equipment interoperability. This is one of
the few advantages WiFi has over most other WISP systems. WiMax
requires strict interoperability testing between vendors to make sure
all CPE and Base Stations work together seamlessly. That means
economies of scale and comfort in not being locked to one vendor into
the future.

> The coverage, range, throughput has been totally smoke to date.  I am still
> waiting for 70 Mbps at 70 miles PTMP.

Everyone has admitted this was early hype.  I did not use those
figures as justification for use of WiMax in 3.65 GHz.

> We don't roam, allow roaming or want to allow roaming.

It is an option, not a mandate. Mobility usually necessitates roaming
if you want your customers to buy your solution over others. I want to
be part of the mobile data market and feel roaming opportunities are
important for this. I also believe mobile voice will become simply an
application of mobile data as a SIP session within a WiMax or LTE
network. ASN gateways support handoff of mobile IP sessions making all
this possible. I would like to be part of this migration in the future
to support mobile voice using my network. Only WiMax offers this
upgrade path to allow my WISP to be part of the mobile phone industry.
Only 3.65 GHz offers us the chance for all WISPs to build these high
end networks and bridge into the other licensed bands through ASN
gateways. We need to build this bridge if we want our networks to work
with all the portable devices to be built in 5 years. WiMax will be
supported in cameras, PDAs, cell phones, notebooks, GPS navigation
unis, etc. I want my network to be able to connect these devices.

> We don't operate in areas where ITU is a concern.

If you want to be part of the mobile phone industry going forward then
ITU support is mandatory. This is the seal of approval to use this
platform for mobile voice. It was necessary for those of us who want a
piece of the multi-billion mobile phone market going forward.

> Our systems are very automated....

I have much respect for Canopy as a platform for wireless broadband
delivery in unlicensed bands. In 3.65 GHz I happen to believe that
WiMax is the platform that the entire WISP industry should support. I
am sure Motorola has WiMax equipment ready to launch in 3.65 GHz. I
would hope they would integrate that into your Canopy management
platform to allow this to become an extension of the system that you
and many other successful Canopy operators are already using.  I have
little doubt that this could be achieved to match the automated
processes you already use in your network now.

> I just don't see how any purported WiMax system is better in any way for my
> Canopy based WISP.

I think it should be an added tool. Not something to replace what you
have. I am not planning to remove anything in my network when I deploy
WiMax in 3.65 GHz. My entire position here is strictly related to 3.65
GHz and I have no desire to push any technology or vendor over another
in the other existing bands. In 3.65 GHz we have a unique opportunity
that WiMax affords which no other platform does.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Scrivner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "WISPA General List" <>
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 10:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Update from the FCC on 3.65Ghz and CBP
>> Here is a list of some of what makes WiMax better than most other WISP
>> solutions out there:
>> -Engineered for outdoor broadband wireless delivery
>> -Strict Interoperability Requirement between all vendors
>> -Standardized platform which has been accepted globally
>> -Support for multiple antenna ie. MIMO, AAS, Diversity, etc. which
>> delivers increased operational coverage area above antything else in
>> the WISP industry.
>> -Roaming and national footprint options across unlicensed and licensed
>> networks
>> -ITU Recognized standard
>> -Mobility options
>> -System automation options
>> This is a partial list. What is most important to remember is that the
>> rest of the world has already built on this standard. I am not
>> suggesting anything radical in saying we need to get up to speed with
>> the rest of the world on what has been accepted as the standard for
>> broadband delivery over wireless in 3.4 thru 3.8 GHz bandspace.
>> Scriv
>> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Chuck McCown - 3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> What is your opinion about the greatness of WiMax based upon?
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Mike Hammett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "WISPA General List" <>
>>> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 7:19 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Update from the FCC on 3.65Ghz and CBP
>>>>I believe that WiMax is great...  greater than equipment we currently
>>>> I just don't use it at this time because of the cost.  I also don't buy
>>>> into
>>>> a lot of the hype people (press, manufacturers, vendors, others) are
>>>> pushing.  I had a project that required 10 meg of synchronous, committed
>>>> bandwidth per customer.  I was told (by more than one group) because of
>>>> the
>>>> WiMax magic, I could put 2 - 3 customers on equipment capable of 23
>>>> megs.
>>>> Sorry, you simply cannot put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound box, no
>>>> matter
>>>> the magic.  Other than Mikrotik, only the AN-80i would have been worth
>>>> it.
>>>> I do appreciate the FCC's requirement of equipment getting along with
>>>> dissimilar equipment.  Who knows when we'll have another Canopy or
>>>> Tsunami
>>>> introduced that just doesn't play well with others.
>>>> ----------
>>>> Mike Hammett
>>>> Intelligent Computing Solutions
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "John Scrivner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To: "WISPA General List" <>
>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 11:38 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Update from the FCC on 3.65Ghz and CBP
>>>>>I do not think we should build our networks for the "sole purpose of
>>>>> suckering, err, selling to someone else".  I do believe that I want
>>>>> anything I build to have value in the event I do sell. That is not
>>>>> "suckering" anyone. Why not build something that holds value or
>>>>> appreciates in value? I know a future plan for WISPs to build WiMax
>>>>> networks in 3.65 would result in better networks, better valuations
>>>>> for WISPs and better economies of scale.
>>>>> Leaning on 802.11 further is just not the plan we should be using for
>>>>> new bands and new opportunities like we have in 3650. We have a chance
>>>>> to build something greater than we have now. WiMax is what the rest of
>>>>> the world is already using in the 3.4 thru 3.8 GHz band. Do any of you
>>>>> think it is smarter for us to abandon the global scale afforded to us
>>>>> if we adopt WiMax in 3.65? I am surprised more of you are not speaking
>>>>> up and saying you agree with this philosophy. Dividing the camp on
>>>>> this will not help us as an industry.
>>>>> I would like to see this group, for once, accept that we need to do
>>>>> something together, as a group, for the common good. I think this is
>>>>> that opportunity. I see little reason for us to take any other course
>>>>> of action in 3.65 GHz. WISPs need to do something as a group to help
>>>>> our industry. WiMax in 3.65 is that logical step for us to work
>>>>> together and reach some scale and some value.
>>>>> This is not about "suckering" anyone or being "stuck in a rut". This
>>>>> is a chance for us to move to the next level. It is almost
>>>>> embarrassing to me that we are actually behind the rest of the world
>>>>> here in the US when it comes to this band. WiMax is a serious platform
>>>>> with many advantages over anything else we have built and used. The
>>>>> light licensed opportunities in 3.65 are an incredible experiment that
>>>>> we need to show success in. If we choose WiMax and adopt this as the
>>>>> platform for 3.65 I believe we will advance our entire industry to a
>>>>> higher level of funding opportunities, operational reliability, more
>>>>> service offerings, etc.
>>>>> Scriv
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 4:09 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> I know that a certain number of us ARE going to build a network for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> sole
>>>>>> purpose of suckering...errr, selling it to someone else.
>>>>>> Now, I have severe ethical disagreements with this notion.   It
>>>>>> reminds
>>>>>> me
>>>>>> of "flipping houses" or "speculative oil investing", perhaps?
>>>>>> Now, to build a business SOLELY for the purpose of selling for a huge
>>>>>> chunk
>>>>>> of money to someone larger, of planned consolidation seems
>>>>>> self-defeating.
>>>>>> yes, you might profit, but wha have you really done productively?
>>>>>> Still, there are many of us who are NOT intending to "build to sell".
>>>>>> We're not in the business of flipping customers to someone else.   In
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> case, overspending for the return on your dollar makes little sense.
>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>> not sure if ANY hardware platform makes sense in this industry.   If
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> run
>>>>>> the numbers, does it actually havea positive return?   I suspect not.
>>>>>> Still, for those of us who aer NOT in the business of polishing up a
>>>>>> turd
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> sell to someone else ( You have no idea how long I've waited to use
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> term, since I read it a few years ago!),  the investment and prices
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> make any real sense...
>>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>> <insert witty tagline here>
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "David Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> To: "WISPA General List" <>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 6:10 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Update from the FCC on 3.65Ghz and CBP
>>>>>>  A number of WISPS are moving to this platform as they find that
>>>>>>> the higher end equipment is worth more on a buyout.
>>>>>>> Lets put it this way.  If you have a network to sell, how much more
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> think you will get if you have Cisco instead of Mikrotik?  Nothing
>>>>>>> against
>>>>>>> them, but the quality of your infrastructure is heavily weighed
>>>>>>> during
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> buyout.  If you don't agree, check the many spam's on this and other
>>>>>>> lists
>>>>>>> from the guys buying networks.  Some won't even look at you if you
>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>> have Canopy or better equipment.
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