russ - maxdesign wrote:
> Yes, we have discussed forums vs lists on several occasions. Each solution
> has positives and negatives. The general consensus is that a forum is not as
> effective for sharing and learning as a list - forums are more passive and
> people are possibly less likely to go there unless they have a problem.

To me, there are 0 advantages to web forums.
> Lists are more immediate, and they do not require members to go elsewhere to
> take part. The WSG list is living proof of this. We have an active list with
> a fantastic bunch of knowledgeable people answering questions and having
> interesting conversations.

With two significant exceptions (1-links from search engines; 2-one
particular forum for which I've never found a counterpart elsewhere), I
never visit web forums. The one I do use is a constant reminder how
unfriendly web sites can be, particularly forums.

When the mods here move a thread to the forum, for me it's over. I've
not been there yet, and have no plans to go there, ever.
"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every
opportunity."                                        Colossians 4:5 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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