1. <p id="q1">question</p> <a href="anwserq1.html">check out the answer to question 1.</a> and in answerq1: <a href="questions.html#q1">return to quiz</a>
2. write the answers into the document server side when the form is submitted and return it.
3. If the quiz relies on js then write the answer in using the DOM.

I'd go with a combination of 2 & 3.


On 6/10/04 1:24 PM, Greer, Ben wrote:

We currently use popup windows to provide an answer/feedback for an
activity/questionnaire. At one stage we were using hidden divs and JS to
"unhide" the div when the user hit a submit button, but from a usability
standpoint that was bad as it reset the page to the top (and so a
screenreader would lose its place). If screenreaders don't like popups
either, can anyone suggest an accessable way to "unhide" content such as
answers to a quiz?

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