Ryan there's a lot to discuss in what you've just said. but just on this one
point, I'd like to make a comment:

" Trust me, user testing would find the contextual scenario much more

In most of the usability testing I've conducted or been involved in,
participants have stated that they do not like pop up windows. That hasn't
included any participants with disabilities though, so they may differ. But
I doubt it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Nichols [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: [WSG] thoughts of external links in new window?

The reason you would want to usa a 'popup' is for contextual
information. Usually this is in more of a web application scenario than
a website per-se. So you have to think more broadly in the term of
website than serving documents with content in them (ala 'surfing').
Contextual information has been used for a looong time in user
interfaces. Just think of the numerous desktop applications you use on a
daily basis and how they use pop-up windows to either prompt for more
data, or provide other useful information.

If you think about these scenarios, it is when the application needs to
present something new to you, but do so in a way that you don't lose
your context. You don't want to alter the layout of the 'page' for this,
because the content may not be directly related, and it can confuse the
user from accomplishing their task.

Think of complex scenarios such as when your funneling a user through a
shopping cart checkout. In these scenarios, you do not want to distract
the user in any way from the task, you don't want to confuse them.
However, often you might need to collect data on a particular topic
related to the checkout process. This is a fantastic time to use
contextual windows. They allow the user to answer the question in a way
that they can still 'see' or be aware of what they were originally
doing, rather than going to another page and losing context. Now the
reason 'it's up to the user' bit doesn't apply is because this is an
application. The user is already using the application and they are
actively engaged in it. Applications are geared to helping the user
accomplish a task. Passive browsing is different, and most of the
arguments expressed here are great points for that user context. 

To use another example, imagine a long article on a webpage. You
funneled through the navigation and selected your article you are going
to invest time to read. The article has a lot of diagrams. This is a
good place to use contextual information. Think of a physical book. Ever
been anoyed at having to skip ahead or back to find that diagram they
referenced? Your annoyed because you lost your context, you lost your
place in the text and had to go somewhere else to find the extra
information. In a web article, those same diagrams can 'popup' in small
windows, and you can view and close them without having to lose your
place. This is not possible by sending the user to a whole new webpage.
Trust me, user testing would find the contextual scenario much more
pleasing. Also remember dial-up users. Loading and reloading that page
takes time, even with 'cache'. Viewing the contextual information is
much faster if it appears in it's own window.

Now you could use DHTML for this. This is a pretty feasible alternative.
But it has drawbacks all its own. The issue is not the mechanism for
'popping up', it's the usability of contextual information that is the
issue. Remember there are years of history in user experience design for
applications, and those tried and true methods don't fall off the face
of the planet with a new medium :)


Ryan Nichols
Graphic Design / Web Development

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Terrence Wood
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] thoughts of external links in new window?

There is a whole plethora of points against opening new windows... I am
really curious as to what your usability team, or anybody else, see as
the benfits of opening new windows.


john wrote:
> Some of my usability team are telling me that they prefer to have 
> external links going into a new browser window.  I can see why some 
> would like that, but I can also see why others would frown on it.
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