At 04:08 PM 9/26/02 -0600 Steven Montgomery favored us with:
>I'm a fan of the truth, not necessarily John Pratt. Yet, In the spirit of Moses 6: 63 
>I have found much of John Pratt's research to be valid and based on the truth. I 
>admit that some of John Pratt's research is in the area of speculation (which he 
>himself will readily admit) and find myself putting some of his ideas on "back 
>burners" so to speak.  I found Eric Samuelson's criticism a bit harsh, but this was 
>probably to be expected as he knew little about it going in. I see his program as no 
>more strange than for a backyard gathering of amateur astronomers--which is what John 
>Pratt is. Here is an excerpt from what John Pratt says himself about the "Feast of 
>Trumpets" program in an email message promoting it:

Certainly no more strange than an Endowment session. --JWR

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