Stacy Smith favored us with:
It says "after all we can do," not "after all we do." That's not to say we don't repent and repent often. I'll give you a scenario. Suppose someone commits sin no. 760 of the day but it is a tiny thing and he hardly notices. It is certainly nothing to go to the bishop about, at least that's what he thinks. He says to himself at first, "Boy, that was a very dumb thing to do." The doorbell rings. He answers the door. Then after he takes care of that the telephone rings. He takes care of that. Soon he decides to balance his checkbook. After a while he figures he'll watch a little television. Finally he may or may not remember to pray, another sin in and of itself. He forgets he hasn't confessed the sin of which he was guilty. Now what? What about many more than one like that? Finally he dies. Oops? After all he could have done?

It was the Pharisees that counted their steps to synagog on the Sabbath, not God. Heavenly Father is not a nit picker. He knows our hearts. And if we are doing our best, that is "all we can do." For myself, I think "all we can do" is just getting up out of bed on many mornings. This life is a nightmare by any reasonable measure. I think Heavenly Father takes that into consideration when he decides how much is "all we can do."

Heavenly Father is not a hanging judge. He is a loving father.

"There is no place in this work for those who believe only
in the gospel of doom and gloom. The gospel is good
news. It is a message of triumph." --Gordon B. Hinckley
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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