Chris Withers wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Looks like the testrunner implementation doing the PYC "cleanup"
>> is seriously broken.
>> At the very least it should:
>>  * check for the existence of a corresponding PY file before
>>    simply going about removing the byte code file
> Urm, since it was added specifically to remove rogue pyc files that have
> no matching py file, this won't help ;-)

As I understand it, the only case that the PYC cleaner is trying
to work around here is a local configuration problem which only
occurs if some PY file was removed upstream.

In such a case, checking in the PYC files seems like the
proper fix, since then Subversion or CVS will automatically
and correctly remove the PYC file as well.

If that doesn't prove to be workable, perhaps there's some way to
teach Subversion to run a hook script locally that takes
care of removing auxiliary files created by the running process
(not only PYC files).

Anyway, I've already posted a script to create PY files from
PYC files, so we have a work-around for the broken testrunner :-)

>>  * ignore any permission errors it finds
> Agreed :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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