
Am Mittwoch, den 30.05.2007, 15:02 +0200 schrieb Bernd Dorn:
> Hi all
> As already discussed in former topics on this list, we have some  
> outstanding decisions regarding to version numbers in zope* packages.
> Currently nearly all package versions are at 3.4.0b1, which is a big  
> pain when needing to update a package.
> For example:
> We have a small change in zope.app.session
> The version is at 3.4.0b1

No. The *upcoming* version is at 3.4.0b1. All releases from the trunk
should be done using

`python setup.py egg_info -rb.dev sdist` which will result in a version
smaller thatn 3.4.0b1.

> Now we want to upload a new source distribution to download.zope.org
> What version number should be used?

The one generated by the line above.

> Would be nice if we had given virgin version numbers to packages such  
> as 1.0. If we now have an update, we need to use something like 3.4.1  
> and users may think this version is in sync with zope versions.

Right, we decided that some packages will receive that, others won't.
Things that were released before continue the current cycle
asynchronously from Zope 3.

Packages that weren't released before can get a new version number.

> It is additionally odd, because of the fact that zope 3.4 will not be  
> an egg based release.

It will be "both".

> Our questions:
> Would it be possible to revert the revision numbers to 1.0 (we think  
> if they are not in pypi and only on download.zope.org we can delete  
> the releases from there)

Please not, I'm already relying on those version numbers.

> If we cannot go back to 1.0, what shall we use for intermediate  
> releases?

See above.

> It would be nice if we (at least jodok, me (dobe), juergen, christian  
> theuni, jim) can discuss this in berlin and maybe write a proposal on  
> how to set versions correctly for various cases.

Sure, I didn't notice that there is unclarity, but I see that the
current state isn't documented.


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