> I guess I'll try #3 and see what happens.  Recently, I've decided to
> use Lisp as the procedural language, so that makes my approach even
> more similar to OCP's.  One remaining big difference is that my KB is
> sentential but OCP's is graphical.  Maybe we should spend some time
> discussing the merits of each...

I don't think that's a major difference conceptually, as there's a
conversion between the two representations.

On the implementation level, our hypergraph representation comes down to
a bunch of trees and linked lists (hidden behind a hypergraph-type API)

We could wrap up a sentential DB inside our Atomspace API, and if you design
a flexible sentential-DB API, we could wrap our Atomspace inside of it...

So, this is really a convenience/taste/computational-overhead issue more so
 a fundamental issue, IMO

ben g

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