YKY wrote:

> In my approach (which is not even implemented yet) the KB contains
> rules that are used to construct propositional Bayesian networks.  The
> rules contain variables in the sense of FOL.  It's not clear how this
> is done in OCP.

OpenCog has VariableNodes in the AtomTable, which are used to represent
variables in the sense of FOL ...

> There are other differences with OCP, as you know I plan to use PZB
> logic, and I've written part of a Lisp prototype.  I'm not sure what's
> the best way to opensource it -- integrating with OCP, or as a
> separate branch, or..?

Well, to integrate w/ OpenCog would be a big choice, and would probably
make some aspects of the implementation more of a pain...

On the other hand, it would provide some significant plusses down the
road ... for instance

-- the RelEx language comprehension system already exports into
OpenCog Atoms, so you'd automatically be able to load parse trees
into your knowledge base

-- we will soon open-source some code for hooking the OpenCog
system up to virtual worlds, which you could also use if you wanted

-- potentially you could make use of the attention-allocation code
Joel has written (though it's not been made scalable yet)


But, OpenCog is currently in-development rather than polished,
so the practical plusses of using OpenCog right now frankly wouldn't
be that great -- more of the plusses would really come into play
next year after OpenCog is actually released.

For instance, your PZB logic could be implemented as one or more
MindAgents running in the OpenCog architecture

-- Ben

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