(If you don't have time to read all this, scroll down to the

I'm writing an article on the role of intelligent systems in the
field of International Relations (IR). Why IR? Because in today's
(and more so in tomorrow's) world the majority of national policies
is influenced by foreign affairs--trade, migration, technology,
global issues etc. (And because I got invited to write such an
article for the IR community.)

Link for a quick overview:

The problem of foreign and domestic policy-making is to have
appropriate data sources, models of the world and useful goals.
Ideally both sides of the equation are brought into balance, which
is difficult of course.
Modern societies become more pluralistic, the world becomes more
polycentric, technologies and social dynamics change faster and
the overall scence becomes more complex. That's the trend.
To make sense of that all policy/decision-makers have to handle
this rising complexity.

I know of several (academic) approaches to model IR, conflicts,
macroeconomic and social processes. Only few are useful. And
fewer are actually used (e.g., tax policy, economic policy).
It's possible that some use even narrow AI for specific tasks.
But I'm not aware of intelligent systems used by the IR community.
>From what I see do they rely more on studies done by analysts and
news/intelligence reports.

So my questions:

(1) Do you know of intelligent systems for situational awareness,
decision support, policy implementation and control that are used
by the IR community (in whatever country)?

(2) Or that are proposed to be used?

(3) Do you know of any trends into this direction? Like extended
C4ISR or ERP systems?

(4) Do you know of intelligent systems used in the business world
for strategic planning and operational control that could be used
in IR?

(5) Historical examples? Like
for the real-time control of the planned economy

(6) Do you think the following statement is useful?
Policy-making is a feedback loop which consists of awareness-
decision-planing-action, where every part requires experience,
trained cognitive abilites, high speed and precision of perception
and assessment.
(Background: ideal field for a supporting AGI to work in.)

(6) Further comments?


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