Jan, Ian, et al,

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Jan Klauck <jkla...@uni-osnabrueck.de>wrote:

> > It seems that "*getting things right*" is not a priority
> > for politicians.
> Keeping things running is the priority.

... and there it is in crystal clarity - how things get SO screwed up in
small increments, sometimes over centuries of time.

If nothing else, the Prisoner's Dilemma and Reverse Reductio ad Absurdum
teach us that advanced logical methods can NOT be applied to solving
real-world problems UNLESS the participants first understand the basics of
the methods. In short, an AGI in a world of idiots would fare far worse,
than a would an effective teacher who is familiar with advanced logical
methods. Hence, the expectation of some sort of millennial effect when AGIs
arrive is probably misplaced.

Note the parallels between Buddhism and the Prisoner's Dilemma - as both
teach to presume overall intelligence from "the other side".

*Idea:* Suppose the appropriate people got together and created the "IR
Certification Guide" that explains both the basics and the various advanced
logical methods. A simple on-line test could be created, that when passed
produces a suitable-for-framing certificate of competence.

I suspect that this tool could work better than any AGI in the absence of
such a tool.

On another note:

>> How can you, the participants
>> on this forum, hope to ever bring stability

> That depends on your definition of stability.

> Progress is often triggered by instability and leads to new forms
of instability. There shouldn't be too much instability in the same
sense that too much stability is also bad.

I agree with these statements, but we may disagree with where they are
leading. With "too much" stability, it is possible to "drive systems into
the ground" SO badly that they can't recover, or take insanely long times to
recover. Some past days-long power failures and our present economy are two
example. Indeed, short of something really radical, there seems to be NO
HOPE of ever curing the present unemployment situation. Stability seems to
have destroyed future generations' expectation of life-long gainful

My simple (and completely unacceptable) cure for this is to tax savings, to
force the money back into the economy. It would be trivial to administer, as
banks could easily collect the tax, and just 1% would probably fix things.
Note that the Koran has Zakat, which is a 5% tax on savings to provide for
the poor. In short, it is socialism! It has "worked" (depending on your
definition of "worked") for ~1,400 years.


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