This is an interesting article. Rather too alarmist though for my taste.
This in fact shows the type of social modelling I have in mind. The only
problem is that third world countries interactions are *not* on the Web.

There is, of course, absolutely no chance of a "Minority report". The object
will to be to find the factors that turn people to terrorism, or ordinary
crime for that matter. People will not be arrested, it will much more be a
question of counter groups being set up, and modeate (Islamic) leaders
encouraged. Still it is illustrative of the potential power in the present
version of Google.

In many ways a scientific approach will be better than John Prescott talking
utter drivel. Perhaps the people who will ultimately be most at risk will be
politicians as they exist now.

Let's take another example. In WW1 the British (and French) shot a large
number of soldiers for cowardice. The Germans shot only 2 and the Americans
did not shoot anybody. Haig was absolutely convinced of the
*freeloading* theory,
which was clearly at variance with the facts as the Germans and Americans
proved. People persist in working on completely the wrong theory.

Google is certain to uncover the *real motivators.*
*  - Ian Parker*

  - Ian Parker

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