
I can see that I didn't state one of my points clearly enough...

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Jan Klauck <jkla...@uni-osnabrueck.de>wrote:

> > My simple (and completely unacceptable) cure for this is to tax savings,
> > to force the money back into the economy.
> You have either consumption or savings. The savings are put back into
> the economy in form of credits to those who invest the money.

Our present economic problem is that those "credits" aren't being turned
over fast enough to keep the economic engine running well. At present, with
present systems in place, there is little motivation to quickly turn over
one's wealth, and lots of motivation to very carefully protect it. The
result is that most of the wealth of the world is just sitting there in
various accounts, and is NOT being spent/invested on various business
propositions to benefit the population of the world.

We need to do SOMETHING to get the wealth out of the metaphorical mattresses
and back into the economy. Taxation is about the only effective tool that
the government hasn't already dulled beyond utility. However, taxation
doesn't stand a chance without the cooperation of other countries to do the
same. There seems to be enough lobbying power in the hands of those with the
money to stop any such efforts, or at least to leave enough safe havens to
make such efforts futile.

I would feel a **LOT** better if someone explained SOME scenario to
eventually emerge from our current economic mess. Unemployment appears to be
permanent and getting worse, as does the research situation. All I hear are
people citing stock prices and claiming that the economy is turning around,
when I see little connection between stock prices and on-the-street economy.

This is an IR problems of monumental proportions. What would YOU do about


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