Damon said:

> I don't know exactly the fall of the dates, but yes,
> they would have all been contemporaries of one
> another...

Here are key dates:

218-201BC    Second Punic War
200-168BC    Various interminable wars against Hellenistic states
149-146BC    Third Punic War
139-132BC    First slave revolt in Sicily
133BC        Tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus
123-122BC    Tribunate of Gaius Gracchus
104-100BC    Second slave result in Sicily
102-101BC    War of Marius against Teutones and Cimbri
91-87BC      Social War
88-81BC      Mithridatic Wars
81BC         Dictatorship of Sulla
73-771BC     Revolt of Spartacus
60BC         First Triumvirate (Caesar, Pompey, Crassus)
58-51BC      Conquest of Gaul by Caesar
49-45BC      Civil War between Caesar and Pompey
44BC         Assassination of Caesar
43BC         Second Triumvirate (Octavian, Antony, Lepidus)
42BC         Defeat of Brutus and Cassius (assassins of Caesar)
31BC         Octavian defeats Antony at Actium
27BC         Octavian becomes Augustus, first emperor of Rome.


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