On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 12:21:34 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda
> --- David Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Judging from the rate at which retired generals ans
> > admirals are stepping up to speak their minds, we
> > should have that bulwark on our side.
> Facts, again.  I believe that the ratio of senior
> officers who have publicly pledged their support to
> the Bush Administration to that supporting Kerry is
> well over 2:1.  Kerry is very, very, very unpopular in
> the military, to put it mildly.  Had the Democrats run

What's the main reason for that, do you think, Gautam?  Kerry's
post-Vietnam anti-war activities?  The Swift-boat stuff?  Of the few
vets I know, none seem to care as much as I would have thought about
the Vietnam-era stuff.  Or is it just distrust of his policies?

> anyone reasonable (Lieberman or Gephardt, for example)
> that may have been different, but other than Dean, no
> other candidate could have been so carefully
> calibrated to alientate the military.  Except maybe
> Wes Clark, actually, but other than him.

Why would Wes Clark alienate the military even more than Kerry?

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