Don Dailey wrote:
> Matthew Woodcraft wrote:
> > Don Dailey wrote:
> > > The problem with MCTS programs is that they like to consolidate. You
> > > set the komi and thereby give them a goal and they very quickly make
> > > moves which commit to that specific goal.
> >
> > How did you form this opinion? Can you show an example game record
> > (on 19x19) showing this behaviour?

> Your kidding, right?    Does anyone honestly dispute this?

I believe it to be false, yes.

There are plenty of records of 19x19 MCTS computer games available. I
haven't seen one in which the computer very quickly committed to
anything, and I don't believe you have either.

I suggest your view of computer go may be distorted by too much
concentration on 9x9.


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