On Saturday, February 25, 2017 11:16:07 AM Florent Daigniere wrote:
> [snip.]
> > > I'd really like us to use AWS for as much as possible re:
> > > hosting.  It has a lot of benefits, one of which is powerful multi-user
> > > support.
> > 
> > Well I really don't care where we host as long as it provides what we
> > need :)
> > 
> > I'd like to evaluate that for AWS, but as said to be able to do so
> > please tell us which package we'd be using. Thanks!
> That's not how it's going to work. I don't need you to make more
> requirements up on the way (like preserving the wiki's links)...

Sorry, you misunderstood me:
I don't see requiring link preservation as a requirement.
I  merely realized that our *other* requirements, namely mailing lists and 
mail, will likely result in having to choose a hoster which will support link 
preservation as a side effect anyway.

> Explain and formalise the requirements 

Mailing lists and mail must keep working.

> and let whoever does the sysadmin
> (currently yours truely) find the right solution; then you can
> contribute to the process and point out which of the requirements are
> not fulfilled by the solution picked.
> Not the other way around.
> Alternatively, takeover the sysadmin duties over too.

As you just requested, I would have just asked you as the sysadmin whether the 
product you chose can provide that, but then I realized that whenever I ask 
you for something you remark that you don't want others to impose work upon 
you. Thus I offered to figure it out myself.
Now that also seems to be not OK with you, you're asking me to take over 
sysadmin duties - which I had also offered in this thread and you didn't say 
anything about it.

Please leave *some* way for people to participate in this discussion in a 
fruitful way - either tell us whether the Amazon product you want can provide 
mailing lists and mail forwarding and perhaps htaccess files as a side effect; 
or tell us what the product is so we can figure it out on our own.
Denying both to answer questions and to give information so I can answer them 
to myself won't help any of us, including you.

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