On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 09:03:07 AM Florent Daigniere wrote:
> > Mailing lists and mail must keep working.
> If you want to be useful, compile a list of *all* the requirements;
> that's what we need.

- SSL for the website + downloads.
- SSL must be compatible with the SSL stuff fred uses for downloading plugins 
(and updates?). Same for update.sh / update.cmd / what we provide for MacOS.
- scales well to high traffic situations in case we get on the news.
- Dan's implementation of the new site design must actually work on it.
- automatic language detection & redirect to the translation. Sounds simple 
but IIRC GitHub has issues with it. AFAIK Dan has used a framework which is 
suitable for this, so it's may only be a matter of choosing a hoster which 
allows that framework. Re-doing the site in another framework would take too 
long as our SSL cert expires soon.
- the devl and support mailing lists must keep working. The others are dead.
- existing mail forwards must keep working.
- bonus, not requirement: subdomains + htaccess redirects or HTML redirects. 
Yes, HTML redirs would be ugly but can have the useful effect of showing the 
visitor a text before the redirect happens, e.g. "Redirecting you to a read-
only copy of our old Wiki. Our new writable Wiki is located at GitHub here:".

> Right now we need "doing", time for debates/arguments is over.

We had not discussed what to do with the mailing lists / mail forwarding yet, 
have we? We shouldn't just silently shut off major services without 

Anyway, please just tell us what the Amazon product you want is called then 
people can say whether what it provides is OK with them.
Its name would probably be less words than cutting me down once more ;)

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