
Josh Babcock schrieb:
Especially if there are a lot of other objects attached to it. The B-29
has over a hundred objects attached to the wings. Each of those would
have to be animated with the wings, and that would mean duplicates of
all of them using the tween method.

Just an idea, but would it help to define a specialised bending animation instead of the general purpose morph? By defining a transformation function which could bend a structure and applying it to all meshes in a given branch at least bending the wings could be made a whole lot easier for the modellers.

Such a function transforming a point p into p' could be (out of the back of my head)


where p0=(p0x,p0y,p0z) defines a fixpoint of the transformation, u=(ux,uy,uz) with defines the up-axis in which direction the mesh is bent and v=(vx,vy,vz) defines the axis along which the bending increases.

k*||u|| and ||v|| define the strength of the bending, where k is a floating factor controlling the bending just like the morphing factor.

Hrm, no that would still leave us with the problems regarding the other animations (center-points, rotation axes), except if these would be applied before the bending.

Ah, well, I'll go back to my scenery now ;-)


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