On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Dale E Sterner <sunbeam...@juno.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the link but it takes you to an HTML 5 page, which is a dead
> end. Thankfully 99% of the web still uses HTML 4. The world needs HTML 5
> the same way it needs cancer and war. The web needs an constant standard
> that works every where and you depend on. I'll try your beta version, its
> probably pretty good.

What do you use as your browser?  You should be able to view the site.

HTML is an evolving standard, and HTML5 is the newest iteration.
Along with HTML5, the current generation of web standards includes
CSS3 and JavaScript.

The main interest in HTML5 is the new <video> keyword, which allows
streaming video without requiring the Adobe Flash Player.  (It will
require having the necessary codec installed, but the codec should be
part of the browser installation.)  Current browser development takes
the attitude that plugins are bad, and the user should be able to do
things without resorting to them.  Adobe Flash is the horrible
example.  Recent versions of Firefox implement a plugin-helper exe,
which serves as a sandbox in which plugins can run, so a crashing
plugin does not take the browser down with it.  Adobe Flash Player was
a principle reason for its development.

A browser that can handle HTML4 should be able to deal with an HTML5
site.  Constructs specific to HTML5 won't work, but HTML5 is a
superset of HTML4, so most of the site should work as expected.

I'd guess that your real problem is that the site requires JavaScript
to function correctly.  That is not specific to HTML5.  JavaScript was
first implemented by Brendan Eich for Netscape Navigator 2, and is now
supported in almost every browser.  Just about *all* sites now use
JavaScript as part of their operation.

If you are using a text mode browser like Links, or a minimal browser
like Dillo or it's fork, D+, that doesn't support JavaScript, you'll
have problems.  (Dillo has JavaScript on the development list, but
they have a lot of DOM work to do before they can support JavaScript.)

The web has always been a moving target in terms of standards and
capabilities.  Sorry, but it isn't going to hold still for you.

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