Hi Dark,

Ah, I understand now. Thanks for clearing that issue up for me.

When it comes to TTS voices one thing I have noticed there is a pretty
big difference in preference, and a lot of it comes down to what a
person is use to. Eloquence came with Jaws and even Window-Eyes for
many versions now, and for various reasons people have grown use to
it, perhaps even like it, and it is for that reason they want to use
it in a game. It is generally faster, more responsive than most TTS
voices, and while robotic it does a decent job of speaking text
clearly and precisely.

On the flip side while the Vocalizer voices are more human sounding
they come with their fair share of hang-ups such as are less
responsive and don't always pronounce words correctly. Nothing is
quite as frustrating to read a document instead of saying m s or
Microsoft to have Vocalizer say manuscript instead.
Point being,while the Vocalizer voices are superior in many ways
Eloquence is still better in other ways. It is for those other reasons
that keep gamers interested in using it as an alternative to speech
synthe to SApi.


On 3/7/14, dark <d...@xgam.org> wrote:
> hi tom.
> I'm Afraid I might not have  said what I intended clearly enough.
> I was not claiming that Mike, Mary and Sam were decent voices, or as good as
> vocalizer, only that I personally do not rate eloquence any more than mike
> or sam, and so  find it a little difficult to sunderstand why a person (as
> I've heard some do), would use jaws with eloquence in a game and prefer that
> to  ms mike.
> Vocalizer I agree is superior to any of these, indeed I've got the realspeak
> solo Daniel voice for sapi myself. for that reason, and I'm glad microsoft
> have upgraded their sapi voices on future windows, my comment was just
> about eloquence, which I've heard lots of people use even now as their
> default synth voice whis is odd sinse better alternatives are available even
> in the same program.
> Beware the grue!
> Dark.

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