--- Andreas Yankopolus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Simon,
> > However, I know there should be more; how do I tie this together?  
> > Where do I start reading?
> I'd highly recommend ordering a copy of Real World Color Management.
> In the mean time, you'll likely find the following pages extremely  
> helpful:
> http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/color-management1.htm

Thanks Andreas,

I was perhaps a little too vague. I understand, at least at a basic
level, what color management is about, why we need it and so forth. My
question was more about how to go about making this happen in a
Linux/ufraw/GIMP environment.

Do I somehow get my profile attached to my monitor under X Windows?
That would presumably correct my display system and make all output of
any image "correct" regardless of the tool used. But I don't know if X
allows that, though I've found some stuff that hints that it might or
at least folks have given it some thought.

If I don't correct the entire display, then presumably I have to have
the corrections applied in each individual image editing program. GIMP
2.3 seems to suggest that it has some color management beginnings, but
I have so far failed to work out how I do that. (This, if it's the
right way to go, is properly a question for the GIMP lists, of course).

How about output? I looked at the gutenprint information, and it seems
to suggest that I have to use a profile created through gutenprint,
rather than a generic one (in otherwords, I don't use a normal profile
for the device, I need what amounts to a composite profile for the
device and gutenprint in combination).

Anyway, I'm sure I need much information from other places, but this
seems like a list that probably has the wisest and most broadly
educated folks on it, so I was hoping to get some early pointers. What
tools should I be using? What might still not be possible? Can I even
use the hardware generated profile for my monitor, given that it was
created under windoze (dual boot, so the same physical hardware).

Does that make more sense as a question? Still rather broad based, but
that's my problem, where to start!

Thanks again for your help,

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a 
man is wise by his questions." — Naguib Mahfouz

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