
My point was that:

- NPW is aimed at local community, users and sponsors

So we can have a NPW in Baltikum no problem, it is simply a matter of JFID.

But at the same time I want to emphasize that it is just a workshop and any other party can organize a NPW in 2010 in addition if the local user base and potential organizers feel like it, so perhaps it is time to remove the year identifier from the name and refer to: NPW <city>.

I am afraid that we are creating a new YAPC, which was never the idea. Workshop used to be the general label for these non-YAPC mini conferences.

The annual scheduling has been good at helping us to keep continuity, but expending the area, so we now look at: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Baltikum - will give us at hard time building a foundation for continuity for local groups and users. So perhaps the NPW tag should just be set free and anybody can organize a NPW.

We could also stick to the annual round-robin scheme and then organizers would have to wait their turn or local organizers should organize something else, like hackathons etc.

NPW is becoming a good brand and we just need to keep the brand alive - also locally.


On 15/05/2009, at 13.00, Salve J Nilsen wrote:

Jonas Brømsø Nielsen said:
I am actually more keen on the idea of a Baltic Perl Workshop, traveling between the 3 countries. I am not saying that we will not promote it and a lot of people will probably attend.

I'd love to see NPW include the Baltic states.

I got the impression that the Baltics are quite interested in moving closer to the nordic countries, and with the long history they have with especially Finland, Sweden and Denmark, I think it would be nice to let them arrange a Nordic Perl Workshop. Let's welcome them into the community with open arms. :)

Of course, if the locals (should we find someone willing) rather would call it a Baltic Perl Workshop, I think that's fine too. But saying they can't call it NPW because of some old history or notion of what's "Nordic" just reeks old-school (cold war) politics, IMO.

But in the end, the locals who organize such an event should make the decision themselves, and if they would like to use the NPW name, we should allow it.

We made a rule that NPW should be in the Nordic countries, and we can change this rule just as easy as we can make it.

- Salve

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