
Would you please let me ask if you have any standard procedure or such
in terms of defining deadlines. I mean, I'd like to know when the
proposal is marked as accepted or rejected.


On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Jonas Brømsø Nielsen
<jona...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola,
> My point was that:
> - NPW is aimed at local community, users and sponsors
> So we can have a NPW in Baltikum no problem, it is simply a matter of JFID.
> But at the same time I want to emphasize that it is just a workshop and any
> other party can organize a NPW in 2010 in addition if the local user base
> and potential organizers feel like it, so perhaps it is time to remove the
> year identifier from the name and refer to: NPW <city>.
> I am afraid that we are creating a new YAPC, which was never the idea.
> Workshop used to be the general label for these non-YAPC mini conferences.
> The annual scheduling has been good at helping us to keep continuity, but
> expending the area, so we now look at: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland,
> Iceland and Baltikum - will give us at hard time building a foundation for
> continuity for local groups and users. So perhaps the NPW tag should just be
> set free and anybody can organize a NPW.
> We could also stick to the annual round-robin scheme and then organizers
> would have to wait their turn or local organizers should organize something
> else, like hackathons etc.
> NPW is becoming a good brand and we just need to keep the brand alive - also
> locally.
> jonasbn
> On 15/05/2009, at 13.00, Salve J Nilsen wrote:
>> Jonas Brømsø Nielsen said:
>>> I am actually more keen on the idea of a Baltic Perl Workshop, traveling
>>> between the 3 countries. I am not saying that we will not promote it and a
>>> lot of people will probably attend.
>> I'd love to see NPW include the Baltic states.
>> I got the impression that the Baltics are quite interested in moving
>> closer to the nordic countries, and with the long history they have with
>> especially Finland, Sweden and Denmark, I think it would be nice to let them
>> arrange a Nordic Perl Workshop. Let's welcome them into the community with
>> open arms. :)
>> Of course, if the locals (should we find someone willing) rather would
>> call it a Baltic Perl Workshop, I think that's fine too. But saying they
>> can't call it NPW because of some old history or notion of what's "Nordic"
>> just reeks old-school (cold war) politics, IMO.
>> But in the end, the locals who organize such an event should make the
>> decision themselves, and if they would like to use the NPW name, we should
>> allow it.
>> We made a rule that NPW should be in the Nordic countries, and we can
>> change this rule just as easy as we can make it.
>> - Salve
>> --
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> sub AUTOLOAD{$AUTOLOAD=~/.*::(\d+)/;seek(DATA,$1,0);print#  Salve Joshua
>> Nilsen
>> getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':4@,$'.#
>> <s...@foo.no>
>> '2!--"5-(50P%$PL,!0X354UC-PP%/0\`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";   __END__ is
>> near! :)

Andrew Shitov
a...@shitov.ru | http://shitov.ru

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