Post Katrina there were no places in this part of the state stocking the M8. I 
bought it from B&H and was referred to Leica since it did not arrive dead on 
arrival. It took about 20 exposures before it died.

On May 18, 2010, at 12:51 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

> From: Jeffery Smith
>> I got flamed on the Leica Users Group forum for mentioning this, but
>> my M8's were anything but reliable. My first one died after about a
>> week, and Leica ignored all of my phone calls and emails until I
>> finally contacted the president of the company personally. If you
>> aren't a professional photographer, you can forget about customer
>> service from Leica. You don't exist. The second M8 body would not
>> recognize any of the memory cards I used. Leica blamed the memory
>> cards and refused to repair or replace the camera. I bought every
>> different brand of memory card listed as compatible on Leica's site,
>> and all gave me a "no memory card" error until I removed the battery,
>> waited a few minutes, and then reinserted the battery (which
>> apparently rebooted the camera). I had to repeat this every time I
>> wanted to shoot a frame. Once the camera was turned off or turned
>> itself off, the no memory card error reappeared.  Until a new
>> firmware upgrade appeared last year, the M8 just sat in a drawer. The
>> firmware upgrade seems to have fixed the memory card problem.
> Who did you buy the camera from? I mean, NYC mail-order, local dealer or 
> direct from Leica USA?
> If I bought a camera that only worked for a week, I'd start with whoever I 
> bought it from, and put the onus on them to make it right. Same for one that 
> wouldn't work at all from the get-go.
> The dealer should have more leverage with the manufacturer, and if they don't 
> it's still not MY problem. They sold it, they're responsible for making good.
> I prefer to deal locally whenever I can, simply because if something DOES go 
> wrong, I get more stress relief if there's someone I can look in the eye 
> while I'm yelling at him.
> I had some problems one time with a major NYC mail-order house getting a 
> problem fixed, but in retrospect the problem had more to do with the 
> difficulties of trying to communicate three ways (dealer, manufacturer & me) 
> across 9 time zones by email. They did finally understood the problem and got 
> it sorted out for me.
> I would, and have bought from them since then ... when I couldn't find what I 
> wanted locally.
> -- 
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