Jerome Grimbert wrote:
> Only option so far is to be picky when buying the printer, checking that 
> there is at least a parallel port (and one that does not need ECP/EPP, 
> but plain good old parallel port, mono-directional... and no fancy 
> mandatory cartridge management...)
> I just like my LX-800 and BJC-600...
It would be nice with the (Q40, Q60 and) Platinum Card coming out to have 
the par device changed so that it can used bi-directionally (ECP/EPP).

I have a radical suggestion to make, most non-Windows platforms are 
suffering from the same problem of Win printers. Each platform tries 
desperately to produce new drivers for the ever changing printers, needing 
to reshape it's whole driver system in the process. There is an alternative 
make a non-Win printer, whose supply is guaranteed for years. A printer
is print engine and a controller. The ZX printer produced for the ZX81
will work on my ZX Spectrum till this day.

Postscript looks better and better as time goes on. Laser use par, have
PCL or postscript and sometimes have Epson emulation.

                       Tarquin Mills

Norwich Sinclair and Clones Show (ORSAM 2004)

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